Friday, October 21, 2011

Manna for the Day

ℳαηηα ḟøґ тℌℯ Ðα¥ : "O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" (1 Corinthians 15:55, NKJV).

The only group of people who can challenge the very weapon of the pit of hell which is the fear of death, are the believers in Jesus Christ who know deep within their heart that there is no death for them eternally because death has once and for all time lost its power over them as the life of God has been given in to their life as a gift. Life of God destroys the power of death and its fear completely and makes the believer to cry in victory and challenge them if possible.

Declare and Shout today, "I am victorious over the fear of death because the very life of God lives within me and for eternity ahead this is my inheritance."

mUcH BlEsSiNgS....